Björn Junge
- Lawyer
- Specialist in insolvency law
- Graf-Schack-Str. 14
18055 Rostock
- T.: +49 (0) 381 - 25 21 4 0
- F.:
Fields of expertise
- Insolvency administration
- Enforcement
- Advice on reorganisation and structuring under company law aspects
- Labour law
- Norddeutsches Insolvenzforum e.V. (North German Insolvency Law Forum)
- Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V. (German Bar Association)
- German Bar Association’s Working Group for insolvency law and restructuring
- Asisstent teacher in insolvency law, university department Commercial Law at college of higher education
- Mahnen, Klagen, Vollstrecken, Ein Leitfaden für Gläubiger und Schuldner” (Reminding, filing suit, enforcement – A guide for creditors and debtors), Beck-Rechtsberater in dtv, since 6th edition
- Beck’sches Prozeßformularbuch, section “Enforcement”, since 10th edition